Quarantine Reflections

The world is looking pretty bad right now. The corona virus has reached the United States, and a lot of cities are going into lockdown, mine included.

Living in Los Angeles I’ve always had things to do. Whether it’s go to the mall, movies, bowling, or Disneyland, I’ve been constantly busy the last couple of years, and my only downtime has been by choice. Now that school is online, and all of my favorite activities are shut down, I’m locked down at home with a lack of things for my mind to consume; and for someone like me that can be dangerous.

If I’m itching for something to do, and I don’t have anything to do, my mind gets bored. For me boredom equates to sadness. Maybe that’s because my resting state is a little bit sad, and that’s very telling. It’s easy to be happy when you’re surrounded by people and mental stimulation, but when you’re just alone with your mind; that’s when you see how you’re REALLY feeling. That’s not to say I’m sitting around crying, it just means I think there’s a lack of fulfillment with myself.

So what can I or we do with this observation? Dig into it. When we are left alone, what are those 2 or 3 reoccurring thoughts? Channel those and find a solution to work on improving those negative feelings and thoughts. For me it’s been my weight and dealing with loneliness. Now that I have pinpointed the negative thoughts, I can use my boredom and surplus time to work on them.

Today I finally decided to go for a run, it not only made me feel better about my health, but also helped me feel great about being alone. Being alone doesn’t have to be a bad thing! Running and walking to my favorite songs alone feels awesome. I feel like a great way to deal with loneliness, is to treat yourself nicely during that time. Dance, take selfies, do face masks, and have a good time in your own company. I love to pretend I’m in the opening of a cheesy movie dancing in the mirror to music.

I think I definitely lost a few people there, but to wrap this up, I think this time we’re in could be a great time for self reflection and betterment. Don’t sulk at home in boredom and restlessness. Use it for good and try to practice some healthier habits. Stay safe, be nice to cashiers, and wash your hands!